Blog Categories
Anxiety / Aromatherapy / Declutter / Goals / Headaches / Massage / Reflexology / Reiki / Self-Care / Sleep / Stress / Stretching
I touched on this subject with my email community recently and judging by the response it certainly resonated. It may come as a surprise if you took note of how many times a day you say ‘should’.
Do you spend any time reflecting on the previous 12 months and what you want to achieve going forward as you head into December?
Have you experienced relief from a tension-busting massage, rebalanced and re-energised with reflexology, felt calmer and slept soundly after a reiki healing? If you have, then you already know something about complementary therapy (also known as holistic therapy) and the many benefits it provides.
As today’s hectic lifestyles exacerbate stress and anxiety, Holistic Therapy is becoming increasingly popular to help ease issues such as sleeplessness, muscular tension, headaches, irritability, overwhelm and burnout.
Do you suffer with nagging thoughts and fears that just won’t go away? Or perhaps, worry about your job, family or what other people think about you.
Feeling stressed, anxious and overwhelmed are common daily experiences in today’s busy 24/7 society. A 2018 study by the Mental Health Foundation found that 74% of people felt so stressed during the previous year they were unable to cope.
Do you feel stressed every time you are looking for the same item? How much time and energy do you waste in the morning searching for your favourite top amongst the sea of unworn items in your wardrobe?
Ladies, how often do you clear out your handbag of all the unnecessary “stuff” you take with you everywhere? We are all guilty of carrying everything but the kitchen sink in our bags…
Getting a good night’s sleep is something some of us only dream of! We all know that sleep is essential as it’s during this restful part of our daily cycle that our body’s cells repair and renew.
Are you in the habit of making New Year’s resolutions and then not keeping them? We’ve all been there of course; we set goals to lose weight, start a new exercise regime, or to stop procrastinating…
This week is Self-Care Week (12th – 18th November). With our busy lifestyles and never-ending to-do lists it can sometimes feel as if self-care and relaxation is some kind of unattainable goal.
My first Reflexology session was over 20 years ago following a recommendation from a family member. I had no particular health issue, it was purely for relaxation.
In today’s society life is fast and let’s face it stressful. We are juggling various commitments and a multitude of challenges are thrown at us on a daily basis. All of which can have a profound effect on our physical, emotional and mental health.
The sunshine has finally arrived and we are all dusting off our sandals at last. So how can we keep our feet healthy and feeling great?
Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could have a massage every day of the week? Sadly, most of us do not have the time or the money to indulge in quite such a regular massage routine, but we can make the most of our massage treatments by taking care of ourselves in between massages.
There are so many bugs and illnesses going around, I hope you are all managing to avoid them.
If you have no other plans how about running yourself a relaxing bath and take a breather...
Having a good stretch once or twice a day feels good and can help prevent injuries (flexible muscles can do more), improve your posture (and as a result help with back pain), increase blood and nutrients to your muscles, and help you to feel less stressed.